Sustainable development policy

Field Status and details Notes
Indicates if this version of the document is in effect (Current), yet to come into effect (Future), or expired (Historic).
September 8, 2006
This is the date on which this document was created.
September 8, 2006
This is the date on which this version of the document came into effect.
September 8, 2023
The latest review of this document is revised on this date.
The period of time set for review of this version of the document.
FPT University President
The noted authority approved this version of the document.
September 8, 2023
This is the date on which this version of the document was approved by the authorized authority.
Not Applicable
This is the date on which this version expires. It may still apply, conditionally, after this date.
Sustainable Development Goals Office
This is the officer generally responsible for day-to-day administrative matters.
September 8, 2006
This is the date on which this document was created.
Sustainable Development Goals Office
This is the author of record for this version of the document.
  1. Summary of Changes from the Previous Version
  2. FPT University’s Sustainable Development Policy
    1. Chapter I: General principle
      1. Article 1: Sustainability literacy
      2. Article 2: Sustainable working and living practices
      3. Article 3: Culture in the Universit
      4. Article 4: Sharing sustainability topic
      5. Article 5: Community and collaboration
      6. Article 6: Responsible Consumption and Production
      7. Article 7: Reduced Inequalities
      8. Article 8: FPT University will become a sustainable development model
    2. Chapter II: Leadership and Governance
      1. Article 9: Supporting research, learning, and teaching activities on sustainability
      2. Article 10: The university’s plan and targets
      3. Article 11: Management of educational and training activities
      4. Article 12: Relationships with regional NGOs and government for SDG policy
      5. Article 13: Identify and engage with local stakeholders
    3. Chapter III: Staff Engagement and Human Resources
      1. Article 14: The happy workplace for employees
      2. Article 15: Employment policy on discrimination
      3. Article 16: Employment policy modern slavery
      4. Article 17: Guarantee equivalent rights of employees
      5. Article 18: Allow working remotely
      6. Article 19: Competitive and Equitable Pay Levels
    4. Chapter IV: Health and Wellbeing
      1. Article 20: Sustainable food purchases
      2. Article 21: Health and wellbeing programs
      3. Article 22: Mental health support
    5. Chapter V: Resource Efficiency and Waste
      1. Article 23: Waste management
      2. Article 24: Responsible Consumption
      3. Article 25: Water usage and care
      4. Article 26: Resource efficiency and waste programs
      5. Article 27: Commitment to carbon-neutral university
    6. Chapter VI: Construction and Renovation
      1. Article 28: Sustainable standards in construction and refurbishment
      2. Article 29: Lighting system
    7. Chapter VII: Community and Public Engagement
      1. Article 30: Provide assistance in the community with educational activities
      2. Article 31: Provide assistance in the community with charity activities
      3. Article 32: Pedestrian priority on campus
    8. Chap ter VIII: Learning, Teaching, and Research
      1. Article 33: Academic freedom
      2. Article 34: Education for SDGs
      3. Article 35: Lifelong learning access
      4. Article 36: Students with work placements
    9. Chapter X: Biodiversity
      1. Article 37: Plant diversity
  3. Reference

Summary of Changes from the Previous Version

08/09/2023 – Revisions to this Policy were approved by the FPT University President on the recommendation of the FPT University’s Board of Directors on September 5, 2023.
Old version of Sustainable Development Policy 2022.

FPT University’s Sustainable Development Policy

Chapter I: General principle

FPT University complies with the Vietnamese legal system. FPT University’s Sustainability Development Policy is based on FPT Corporation’s Sustainable Development Policy and FPT Education’s Policy, a direct subsidiary of FPT Corporation.

Article 1: Sustainability literacy

To develop sustainability literacy so that employees and students are empowered, engaged, and committed global citizens and can use this knowledge and experience to make informed and responsible decisions.

Article 2: Sustainable working and living practices

To promote sustainable working and living practices and make sustainability core to our structures, governance, decision-making, curriculum development, and operational processes.

Article 3: Culture in the University

To build a culture within which all employees and students understand that sustainability is a collective responsibility. From senior management to first-year students, everybody plays their part, and they will be encouraged to challenge and act when standards are not being maintained. To make a strong commitment to sustainability as part of our student actions and behaviors by ensuring students have the opportunity to develop an understanding of eco-social issues and have integrated experience of theory and practice in their learning and extracurricular activities.

Article 4: Sharing sustainability topic

To build on our academic development to enable positive change through our research and knowledge transfer on sustainability and assess our contribution against the underlying targets and indicators.

Article 5: Community and collaboration

To maximize the wider positive impact of the University’s sustainable development activity at the local, regional, national, and international levels through communication, collaboration, and partnership.

Article 6: Responsible Consumption and Production

To be more effective in the University’s use and management of our resources and facilities and make large reductions in the use of natural fuel resources, carbon emissions, and reduce waste to landfill. FPTU has committed to ensuring responsible consumption and production patterns.

Article 7: Reduced Inequalities

Ensure that all students, employees, and other stakeholders have equal opportunity and are treated fairly and justly. Unfair treatment on the grounds of disability, gender, race, age, sexual orientation, religion/ belief, health status, social status, language, ethnicity, or national origin is unacceptable. The university complies with the Vietnamese legal system and is committed to fighting all discrimination.

Article 8: FPT University will become a sustainable development model

To be recognized as a model of good sustainable development practices in the higher education sector.

Chapter II: Leadership and Governance

Article 9: Supporting research, learning, and teaching activities on sustainability

Fund for academics’ research, learning, and teaching activities on sustainability.

Article 10: The university’s plan and targets

The University creates a strategic annual plan and sets targets for more contributions to the achievement of the SDGs.

Article 11: Management of educational and training activities

Manage quality in the University’s education and training according to the international standard ISO 21001:2018.

Article 12: Relationships with regional NGOs and government for SDG policy

FPT University encourages long-term collaboration with national governments or regional non-governmental organizations to identify problems and challenges in SDG policy development to enable adaptive management in the adaptation of epidemics and climate change.

Article 13: Identify and engage with local stakeholders

Since 2019, FPT University has applied the ISO 21001:2018 Standards, which specialize in the education sector, for its quality assurance (QA). By following the ISO-based quality assurance guidelines, the University identifies local stakeholders external as follows:

Table 1: Analysis of levels of interest and participation of interested parties in different types of educational organizations

Categories Interested parties
Parents and guardians
External providers
Labor market
M Ch
H Ch
Tutoring, coaching, and mentoring
L Ch
H Ch
M Ch

Level of interest: High (H); Medium (M); Low (L); None (N)
Level of participation: Involved (I); Consulted (C); Represented (R); Checked (Ch)
These categories can be interpreted differently in different national contexts

1. The University identifies learners, staff, and the labor market (corporate partners) as having high levels of interest and participation (HI).
2. FPT University aims to create and maintain activities with partners under the iCASE model: internships, co-research programs, academics, scholarships, and employment.
3. FPT University is committed to creating and maintaining Win – Win collaborations with strategic partners who are prestigious and reputable enterprises with large transaction volumes, meeting the requirements of the university.

Chapter III: Staff Engagement and Human Resources

Article 14: The happy workplace for employees

All employees are being facilitated and provided opportunities to utilize their capacity and nurture their passions.
FPT University is committed to bringing good benefits to employees, ensuring to take care of employees’ material and mental health and wellness.
The University strives to always create a safe, happy, sociable, equal, creative and fair working environmen

Article 15: Employment policy on discrimination

FPTU prevents discrimination in the process of career development and advancement. All stages of capacity assessment, promotion, and promotion opportunities are fair for everyone, regardless of religion, sexuality, gender, age, ethnicity, or refugee status.
Strengthen the digital management system where staff and faculty can share experiences, network, and raise issues with the Human Resources Department to ensure fairness, transparency, and efficiency in all processes.
All issues (including issues related to discrimination in the workplace based on religion, sexuality, gender, age, or refugee status) will be discussed and solved properly. We oppose all acts of harassment by actions and words at FPT University. All cases of harassment are subject to disciplinary action according to company policy.
At FPT University, diversity, equity and inclusion awareness training becomes mandatory training for all employees before entering the company, as well as an annual training program.

Article 16: Employment policy modern slavery

  1. The University is committed to frankly discussing and speaking up for human rights in the national discourses about the issue of violence against women, forced labor, modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labor.
  2. Modern slavery is extremely prevalent across the globe. The University ensures that there is no modern slavery in our supply chains or any part of our business.
  3. The University is committed to all recruited employees who are the youngest age of 18 years old, with no cases of using child labor.

Article 17: Guarantee equivalent rights of employees

  1. FPT University outsourcing contracts for the actual performance of tasks under a service contract are regulated by the FPT Corporation’s Regulation on Procurement and internal regulations.
  2. When outsourcing activities to third parties, the University takes all appropriate measures to ensure the equivalent rights of employees on:
  • Compensations and benefits
  • Labor regulations
  • Enforcement of labor standards in accordance with the Viet Nam Labor Code 2019.

Article 18: Allow working remotely

1. FPT University is committed to building an inclusive, respectful, and flexible working environment for all regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability immigration status, or gender. The flexible working arrangement includes deciding between online or offline, mixed online and offline. The University’s information technology and administration systems have been designed to adapt to flexible working arrangements, especially in risky situations (such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, the university had completely remote working).
2. All University employees may request a flexible work arrangement. All requests for a flexible work arrangement will be considered on a case-by-case basis to ensure business continuity.
3. Increase online meetings to reduce travel.

Article 19: Competitive and Equitable Pay Levels

1. No matter their ethnicity, religion, disability, immigration status, or gender, FPT University is committed to paying all staff and faculty equally based on their contribution, workload, and productivity.
2. The FPT Corporation’s salary structure has been designed on the basis of modern science and technology, periodically reviewed, and managed and evaluated by a prestigious board. This salary structure is a competitive pay level compared to other enterprises or universities at the same level in the market or society.
3. Promote accessing the details of employees’ rights and/or pay on the MyFPT application. Setting up the denunciation process and implementing the system of receiving comments and complaints on their rights and/or pay (email, hotline, suggestion box).

Chapter IV: Health and Wellbeing

Article 20: Sustainable food purchases

Cooperation with local food and beverage suppliers, food safety, and hygiene

Article 21: Health and wellbeing programs

The Culture and Unions Department delivers programs and projects involved in promoting health and well-being including hygiene, nutrition, family planning, sports, exercise, anti-aging, and other health and well-being-related topics.

Article 22: Mental health support

1. Improve the quality of mental health care for students. The university periodically conducts surveys to collect feedback from students and parents regarding mental health services.
2. Psychologists collaborate with faculty to deliver programs and projects on mental health care for students.

Chapter V: Resource Efficiency and Waste

Article 23: Waste management

Improve waste management on campus as follows:
Reduce waste and single-use plastic waste.
Reduce and collect food waste.
Sort waste and increase the number of recycled items.

Article 24: Responsible Consumption

FPT University focuses on cooling system maintenance, such as maintaining and upgrading it periodically to achieve optimal energy efficiency in old buildings. Emphasis on choosing cooling systems for new buildings to meet sustainable standards

Article 25: Water usage and care

1. Reduce the total volume of water used at the university.
2. By 2030, the University will maximize water reuse (including rainwater and treated wastewater) across the campus

Article 26: Resource efficiency and waste programs

1. Students play a key role in the university’s activities in waste reduction and resource efficiency programs. The University has collaborations with students to engage in environmental protection programs and sustainability activities.
2. FPT University participates in the campaign of waste sorting and recycling, which is supported by Youth4Climate – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Vietnam.
3. FPT University is actively addressing food waste on campus. The University will launch several programs aimed at working with on-campus retailers, students, staff, and visitors to minimize food waste.

Article 27: Commitment to carbon-neutral university

1. FPT University is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2035.
2. The University committed to not investing in carbon-intensive energy industries, notably coal and oil
3. The University is building a scheme to make public transport and cycling more attractive to all staff and students. The scheme also aims to save staff and students a significant amount of money on fuel. Besides, walking is also encouraged among students and staff with the development of well-connected walking routes around our campuses and from surrounding bus stations to the campuses.
4. Sustainable transport
5. FPT University is making transport more sustainable by prioritizing the selection of low-emission vehicles, including:
Avoiding the use of airplanes for short distances under 500km.
Not renting or purchasing high-carbon-emission vehicles.
Using clean energy vehicles.
6. The institution encourages carpooling and the use of technology to optimize commuting.
7. Various measurement and assessment methods are implemented to evaluate progress in reducing carbon emissions in transportation.

Chapter VI: Construction and Renovation

Article 28: Sustainable standards in construction and refurbishment

Since 2022, high environmental standards and low carbon emissions must apply in the planning, designing, and construction of new buildings, as well as significant refurbishments.
All building materials were applied to high environmental standards with low carbon emissions.

Article 29: Lighting system

LED lights with 95% lighting efficiency will save electrical energy used for lighting and need to be completely replaced with other types.

Chapter VII: Community and Public Engagement

Article 30: Provide assistance in the community with educational activities

The university is committed to implementing the community project “introducing Vietnamese traditional musical instruments to students in surrounding high schools to foster and transmit traditional values to the Young. Moreover, the University opens traditional musical instrument classes to maximize activity efficiency.

Article 31: Provide assistance in the community with charity activities

The university supports all academics to work with charities and make a huge difference in the community through their work and support. We value that activity and want to support and recognize it by providing time, information, and funds to support your volunteering activity. The University also provides official recognition for students who participate in charities.

Article 32: Pedestrian priority on campus

Renew certain pedestrian paths within campus regularly, with safety signs and markings according to standards.
Conduct a topographic survey to establish running tracks around or within the campus

Chapter VIII: Learning, Teaching, and Research

Article 33: Academic freedom

FPT University is committed to supporting academic freedom (including research freedom and teaching freedom) for all academics to not only promote their internal resources but also contribute to the intellectual development of society and humanity as follows:
All academics are encouraged freedom to choose areas of research based on their interests and to speak and teach publicly about the area of their research.
The University encourages criticism in researching, teaching, and learning.
The University encourages creativity in research, teaching, and learning of faculty and students with the slogan “Being better by making differences”.
The University encourages and supports commercial, practical, and entrepreneurial-oriented research.
The University encourages and promotes the SDGs as a topic of research to increase the university’s contribution to delivering the SDGs. Academics can apply for an additional grant from the University for their research on sustainability.
The University is utilizing its resources to support academic freedom in research and instruction.

Article 34: Education for SDGs

The university is committed to having at least a dedicated course in all curricula that introduces full SDGs and encourages students’ actions to achieve the SDGs.
FPT University is encouraging the integration of SDG-related education into the curriculum.

Article 35: Lifelong learning access

FPT University is committed to recognizing, connecting, sharing, and supporting all types of lifelong learning, inclusive education, and education (including formal education, informal education, and non-formal education) for all regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability immigration status, or gender.
FPT University is committed to developing the University’s educational resources in the long term to promote all types of education in the community for all regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, immigration status, or gender.
FPT University provides free accounts on Coursera (a global online learning platform that offers anyone, anywhere, access to online courses and degrees from leading universities and companies) for its alumni in order to support their lifelong learning.

Article 36: Students with work placements

100 percent of FPT University students must participate in On Job Training (OJT) at the enterprises for at least four months in their sixth semester. OJT is required as a mandatory course of the degree.
To improve the quality of the OJT period, the University aims to have at least 5% of students have the opportunity to work abroad during the OJT period. The abroad OJT also equips them with internationalization and diversity to become global citizens.

Chapter X: Biodiversity

Article 37: Plant diversity

Planting trees near the boundary walls of a building: planting multi-layer tree species and planting tree islands as a tropical forest.
All flat or pitched roofs are covered with dwarf trees, herbs, wildflowers, and grasses as mini Royal Gardens.
Planting trees along the University’s fence line: Tall trees and shrubs that don’t need pruning.
Planting trees in the schoolyard: Planting 200 perennial trees per hectare of land. Plus, planting tall and shaded trees that don’t need pruning.


Decision Document Link
Decision No. 343/QĐ-ĐHFPT dated March 30th, 2021
Employee Handbook
Decision No. 458/QĐ-ĐHFPT dated May 31st, 2022
Regulations on leave regime for staff and faculty of FPT Education

Internal document

Decision No.740/QĐ-ĐHFPT dated July 29th, 2020
Labour Regulations


Documents Management Website


Human Resources Management Website


MyFPT Application
Decision No. 343/QĐ-ĐHFPT dated March 30th, 2021
Employee Handbook